The price of a Tata car starts at Rs 5.60 Lakh for the Tiago, the least costly model, and rises at Rs 15.85 Lakh for the Safari, the most expensive model. There are 11 different vehicle models offered by Tata in India, including 2 SUVs, 4 Hatchbacks, 3 Compact SUVs, and 2 Compact Sedans. Harrier Facelift, Safari Facelift, Harrier EV, Punch EV, Curvv EV Concept, Curvv, Altroz, Altroz EV, Avinya, and Safari EV are among the ten upcoming Tata vehicles in India. Tata Motors has a varied vehicle portfolio that includes commercial vehicles, passenger cars, and even electric vehicles. The brand is available in a variety of sectors, body types, and price ranges to meet the needs of clients. Tata has come a long way in delivering world-class vehicles after selling the Indica/Indigo series and the Safari for the majority of the first two decades of the twenty-first century, as seen by cars like the Harrier, the new Safari, and the Nexon.
Tata Tiago
1199 cc, 85 bhp, 935-1015 kg
Avg. Ex-showroom price
Rs- 5,60,ooo onwards
Tata Nexon
1199-1497 cc, 118 bhp
Avg. Ex-showroom price
Rs- 8,10,000 onwards
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